The P3 Center

Virginia Maps Out Optional Per-Mile Road Fee Program for 2022 Launch


For general inquiries, the P3 Center can be contacted at:

Dr. Gifford, Center Director, can be contacted at:

Phone: 703-993-2275
Fax: 703-993-8215

By Graham Moomaw, with Virginia Mercury, quoting Center Director, Dr. Jonathan Gifford

The opt-in system would charge drivers of electric and fuel-efficient vehicles based on the miles they travel, rather than a higher fixed fee. A state workgroup will deliver a report in December on the feasibility and impact of the proposed program. One challenge may be convincing drivers that there is a benefit to installing a mileage tracking system in their vehicles and easing any data-trail privacy concerns. Dr. Gifford provided context into current devices used both privately and commercially and how those existing alternatives may address some of those privacy concerns: “Some of the options out there do have a device that is plugged into your car’s data port and keeps track of when and where you drive but it doesn’t share that information. It’s sort of tracking device but it doesn’t share the data.”

You can read the full article here.

The Washington Post Quotes Center Director


For general inquiries, the P3 Center can be contacted at:

Dr. Gifford, Center Director, can be contacted at:

Phone: 703-993-2275
Fax: 703-993-8215

Center Director, Dr. Janothan Gifford was quoted in The Washington Post article titled,“ Maryland could face millions in cost risks if toll lane plan for Beltway, I-270 stalls”.

Jonathan Gifford, a professor at George Mason University and director of the Center for Transportation Public-Private Partnership Policy, said early collaboration can help governments advance projects more quickly and efficiently, while also improving the design.

“The earlier you get the contractor involved,” Gifford said, “the more options for innovation you have.”

See the full article here.

The Washington Post Quotes Center Director


For general inquiries, the P3 Center can be contacted at:

Dr. Gifford, Center Director, can be contacted at:

Phone: 703-993-2275
Fax: 703-993-8215

Center Director Dr. Janothan Gifford was quoted in The Washington Post article titled, Possible legal challenges pose cost risks for Maryland toll lanes proposal”.   

Jonathan Gifford, a professor and expert in public-private partnerships at George Mason University, said state transportation officials might proceed with a controversial project if their lawyers conclude that any lawsuits are unlikely to succeed or cause significant delays.

The companies — and, more importantly, their investors — will protect themselves from a legally vulnerable environmental analysis, he said. That’s because private financing relies on collecting toll revenue to pay back bondholders and other investors on a certain schedule.

“I’d be astonished if the state or any developer would enter into an agreement without having very explicit discussions and agreeing on how they’d cover such an eventuality,” Gifford said. 

See the full article here 

Bond Buyer Quotes Center Director on Trumps’ P3 Plan


For general inquiries, the P3 Center can be contacted at:

Dr. Gifford, Center Director, can be contacted at:

Phone: 703-993-2275
Fax: 703-993-8215

For his December 30, 2016 article “OUTLOOK: Interstate Tolls Could Fuel Trump’s P3 Plan,” Bond Buyer author Jim Watts quotes Center director Jonathan Gifford regarding infrastructure financing and the challenges associated with transportation user fees.

Bloomberg Quotes Center Director on Trump’s Infrastructure Plan


For general inquiries, the P3 Center can be contacted at:

Dr. Gifford, Center Director, can be contacted at:

Phone: 703-993-2275
Fax: 703-993-8215

As the country ponders President Trump’s infrastructure plans, Center Director Jonathan Gifford weighed in for Bloomberg reporter Mark Niquette’s January 27, 2017 piece, “To Toll or Not to Toll Is Question for Trump Infrastructure Plan.”

“From a policy perspective, tolling makes a lot of sense,’’ said Jonathan Gifford, director of the Center for Transportation Public-Private Partnership Policy at George Mason University. “It’s a heavy lift to say to the public, to elected officials, ‘We’re now going to start imposing a toll to improve a facility that you’ve been using without paying tolls for decades.’’’

Read the rest of the piece here.

Center Staff Published in Transport Policy


For general inquiries, the P3 Center can be contacted at:

Dr. Gifford, Center Director, can be contacted at:

Phone: 703-993-2275
Fax: 703-993-8215

Graduate Research Associate Jeong Yun Kweun, consultant Porter Wheeler, and Center Director Jonathan L. Gifford’s  research paper, “Evaluating highway public-private partnerships: Evidence from U.S. value for money studies,” has been published in the journal Transport Policy. The paper examines value for money (VfM) analysis practices in the US highway sector, finding variation between public agencies’ model, risk transfer, and discount rate selections. More information can be found here.