The P3 Center

HDR’s Mike Schneider Offers “Professional Insights”


For general inquiries, the P3 Center can be contacted at: [email protected]

Dr. Gifford, Center Director, can be contacted at: [email protected]

Phone: 703-993-2275
Fax: 703-993-8215

November 4, 2015


Mike Schneider, Senior Vice President and Director, Strategic Consulting HDR, Inc., was this month’s Professional Insights guest, meeting with Center students and staff, November 4.

Mr. Schneider leads HDR’s transportation and infrastructure sector, serving as project director or lead technical advisor for a variety of transit, rail and highway engagements. A civil engineer, urban planner, and transport economist whose primary area of expertise is the planning and development of intermodal transportation systems and facilities, Mr. Schneider has worked in more than 20 countries and authored over 100 papers and juried publications in the fields of infrastructure finance, project delivery, management practices and business development. His career spans highway and toll road development, urban and intercity transit and rail, innovative financing programs and P3s, as well as strategic planning for infrastructure investment. In 2007, he received lifetime achievement recognition from the Association of Road and Transportation Builders (ARTBA) for his contributions to the practice and to utilization of P3s in the delivery of transportation infrastructure.

True to Professional Insights series design, students enjoyed first hand interaction with this industry giant, exploring lessons learned and personal observations about their chosen field in casual conversation over pizza and refreshments.
