The P3 Center

Transit Featured at Center/NVTC November Roundtable


For general inquiries, the P3 Center can be contacted at: [email protected]

Dr. Gifford, Center Director, can be contacted at: [email protected]

Phone: 703-993-2275
Fax: 703-993-8215

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The Center partnered with the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission to host a P3s and Transit Roundtable at the University’s Founders Hall on November 4. P3 leaders, Mike Schneider, Senior Vice President and Director, Strategic Consulting, HDR, Inc., and Doug Koelemay, Director, Virginia Office of Transportation Public-Private Partnerships (OTP3), were the featured speakers. A diverse audience represented the Federal Transit Administration, State and local governments, regional transit agencies, economic development organizations, and academia, joining in lively discussion about how Northern Virginia can effectively leverage P3s as a funding and financing strategy to meet the region’s transit demand.