The P3 Center

P3 Spring Forum 2023


For general inquiries, the P3 Center can be contacted at:

Dr. Gifford, Center Director, can be contacted at:

Phone: 703-993-2275
Fax: 703-993-8215

Thank you for joining us at the Center’s 10th Anniversary Forum.  An annual event, the forum aims to engage with industry leaders and the academic community to discuss pressing issues surrounding P3s for highways, transit, and the future of mobility.

Recordings for the individual sessions and keynote remarks are hyperlinked below.

To stay up to date with this and future events, be sure to join the Center’s distribution list. You can do so by sending an email to

Forum Agenda

(speakers subject to change)

9:30 am: Doors Open (in-person registration available as space permits)

10:00 am: Introductory Keynote Remarks
Remarks provided by The Honorable W. Sheppard Miller, III, Virginia Secretary of Transportation

10:30 am: Panel 1—10 Years of P3s: What’s Changed? What’s Next?
        Tyler Duvall, CEO & Co-Founder, Cavnue (moderator)
        Jennifer Aument, Global Transportation Executive
        Nicolas Rubio, Meridiam
        Sean Connaughton, Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association & Fmr. Virginia Secretary of Transportation (2010-2014)

11:30 am: Panel 2—Inclusive P3s

  • Jeremy Ebie, Phoenix Infrastructure (moderator)
  • Bradley Rodgers McDonald, Fengate
  • Seth Miller Gabriel, BDO USA
  • Kathryn Roos, HDR (substituting for Michael Schneider, InfraStrategies, LLC)

12:30 pm
Catered Lunch and Keynote Remarks
Remarks provided by The Honorable Arlando Teller, Assistant Secretary of Tribal Affairs, U.S. Department of Transportation

1:30 pm
Panel 3: Infrastructure Reuse & Revitalization with P3s in collaboration with Young Professionals in Infrastructure (YPI)

  • Allen Farberov, Macquarie Capital (moderator)
  • Peter Biava, Investments at Meridiam DC
  • Julian Gonsalves, Assistant City Manager for Public-Private Partnerships, City of Alexandria, Virginia
  • Ben Mindes, D.C. Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development

2:30 pm: Closing remarks provided by Dr. Jonathan Gifford, Center Director and Professor

3:00 pm: Event Concludes

For more information, contact: Andy Blevins, Program Manager, at