The P3 Center

Center Researcher Presents at TRF


For general inquiries, the P3 Center can be contacted at:

Dr. Gifford, Center Director, can be contacted at:

Phone: 703-993-2275
Fax: 703-993-8215

Lauren N. McCarthy, Program Manager and Researcher at the Center, presented “Stages of U.S. P3 Surface Transportation Infrastructure” authored by Lauren N. McCarthy. Lisardo Bolaños, Vinh Mai, and Jonathan Gifford at the Transportation Research Forum on April 10, 2018 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The research analyzes recent transportation infrastructure projects delivered using public-private partnership (P3) approaches to examine how procurement stages and their duration affects if the project will be delivered. First, the research developed a P3 transportation project database, collecting information from multiple sources, including the Federal Highway Administration, state transportation agencies, private sector websites, and journalistic accounts. Second, significance testing is then employed to evaluate common questions surrounding P3 procurements.