The Center was a strategic partner of the ARTBA’s 27th Annual Conference on Public-Private Partnerships in Transportation, held July 15-17 in Washington D.C.
The Center sponsored the following two panels:
Ratings Agencies View on P3s – “A Look Behind the Curtain”
Moderator: Mike Kirk, Louis Berger
Panelists: Scott Zuchorski, Fitch; Zoe Markwick, Skanska ID; Grant Headrick, DBRS
The Structural Evolution of P3s: Pros and Cons of DBFOMs, DBFs, DBMs and DBOMs
Moderator: Evan Caplicki, Nossaman
Panelists: Grant Holland, CDM Smith; Russ Zapalac, TxDOT; Lowell Clary, Clary Consulting