November 2015

Nicolas Rubio, U.S. President of Cintra, was the most recent P3 leader to join students for a Professional Insights session at the Center. Participants enjoyed a rare opportunity to explore in casual dinner conversation the lessons learned in this leading transportation executive’s involvement with more than 150 private infrastructure projects spanning 30+ countries.
Under his oversight, Cintra is engaged in more than $9 billion in infrastructure projects in the U.S., including SH 130 in Central Texas; North Tarrant Express, LBJ Expressway and I-35W in Dallas-Fort Worth; the Chicago Skyway and the I-77 managed lanes project in North Carolina. Rubio, who serves on the Center’s Advisory Board, is also on the Steering Committee of Stanford University’s P3 Financial Literacy in the Public Sector Program. He was a keynote panelist at the 2014 US Treasury/USDOT Transportation Investment Summit which was part of the Move America Forward Presidential initiative.
Rubio also serves on the Board of Directors of the Association for the Improvement of American Infrastructure, the leading private infrastructure developer’s association in America, and was lauded for his entrepreneurial leadership in the arena by the American Road and Transportation Builders Association as well.
After the Professional Insight session, Rubio went on to provide a guest lecture in Professor Gifford’s P3 Policy class.

Click to see Rubio’s presentation, entitled Public-Private Partnerships, Rationale and Motivation.