The P3 Center



For general inquiries, the P3 Center can be contacted at: [email protected]

Dr. Gifford, Center Director, can be contacted at: [email protected]

Phone: 703-993-2275
Fax: 703-993-8215

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“Delivery Methods, Risk Sharing, Standards and Performance for Construction, Operations, and Management: The TEXpress Managed Lanes System, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas.” Gifford, Jonathan L., Shanjiang Zhu, and Daniel Grimaldi. Case Studies on Transport Policy 12 (June 2023): 101016.

“What Triggers Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Renegotiations in the United States?” Gifford, Jonathan L., Lisardo A. Bolaños, Nobuhiko Daito, and Carter B. Casady. Public Management Review (April 18, 2023): 1–27. doi: 10.1080/14719037.2023.2200404

“Public-Private Partnerships for the MBTA.” Gifford, Jonathan L. 2023. A Better City.

“Prospects for Collaboration by State DOTs with Public-Private Partnership Concessionaires to Enhance Maintenance Efficiency: Compensation Provisions and Project Experience.” Volume 3, “Accounting for Downtime Effects in Maintenance and Restoration Scheduling for Routine, Periodic and Post-Disaster Events.” Gifford, Jonathan L., Marina Manganaris, and Congyi Gao (2021). Submitted to the Virginia Transportation Research Council, Virginia Department of Transportation.

“Rational Inattention in Non-Profit Public-Private Partnerships: The Las Vegas Monorail Bankruptcy Case” Bolaños, Lisardo, Morghan Transue, Jonathan Gifford. 2022. In Handbook on Public Private Partnerships in Transportation, Vol I, edited by Simon Hakim, Robert M. Clark, and Erwin A. Blackstone, 175–94. Competitive Government: Public Private Partnerships. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

“MAP-21 to FAST Act: Did the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) Program Better Support High-Risk Transportation Infrastructure Projects?” Lee, Narae, Jonathan Gifford. 2021. Transportation Research Record. doi:10.1177/03611981211011644

“Understanding Project Cancellation Risks in U.S. P3 Surface Transportation Infrastructure,” McCarthy, Lauren M, Lisardo Bolaños, Jeong Yun Kweun, Jonathan L. Gifford. 2020. Transport Policy. 98, 197-207.

“Surface Transportation Public-Private Partnerships: Objectives and Evidence—Extended Findings,” Bolaños, Lisardo, Morghan Transue, Porter Wheeler, Jonathan Gifford. 2019. Transportation Research Record. 2673(12), 290-300.

“Bankruptcy Policy and Surface Transportation Public-Private Partnerships: A Comparative Analysis of the US and Europe,” Case Studies on Transport Policy”, Bolaños, Lisardo, Jonathan Gifford, and Jeong Yun Kweun. 2019. Case Study in Transportation Policy. 7:2, 185-195.

“Public-private partnerships and the future of US infrastructure,” Gifford, Jonathan L. 2019. In US Infrastructure: Challenges and Directions for the 21st Century. doi: 10.4324/9781351007023-12 

Socioeconomic impacts of transportation public-private partnerships: A dynamic CGE assessment,” Chen, Zhenhua, Nobuhiko Daito, Jonathan L. Gifford.  2017. Transport Policy. 58, 80-87

“Evaluating highway public-private partnerships: Evidence from U.S. value for money studies,” Kweun, Jeong Yun, Porter K. Wheeler, Jonathan L. Gifford. 2017. Transport Policy. In Press.

Public-private partnerships: a review of economic considerations with particular reference to transportation projects,” Button, Kenneth. 2016.  Transportation Planning and Technology 39:2, 136-161.

Data Review of Transportation Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships: A Meta-Analysis.” Chen, Zhenhua, Nobuhiko Daito, Jonathan L. Gifford. 2015. Transport Reviews. doi: 10.1080/01441647.2015.1076535.

“The Evolution of Virginia’s Public-Private Partnership Enabling Statutes.” Gifford, Jonathan, Morghan Transue. 2015. The Journal of Corporation Law. 141, pp.15-23.

“U.S. Highway Public-Private Partnerships: Are They More Expensive or Efficient than the Traditional Model?” Daito, Nobuhiko, and Jonathan L. Gifford. 2014. Managerial Finance. 40 (11): 1131 – 1151, doi: 10.1108/MF-03-2014-0072.

Do State Fiscal Constraints Affect Implementation of Highway Public-Private Partnerships? A Panel Fixed Logit Assessment.” Chen, Zhenhua, Nobuhiko Daito, and Jonathan L. Gifford. 2014. Journal of Transportation Research Forum. 53 (2): 111-128, summer,

“Demand Forecasting Errors and the Ownership of Infrastructure.” Button, Kenneth J., and Zhenhua Chen. 2014. Applied Economics Letters. 21 (7): 494-496, doi: 10.1080/13504851.2013.870642.

“Sharing out the costs of a public-private partnership.” Button Kenneth J., and Nobuhiko Daito. 2014. Applied Economics Letters. 21 (6): 383-386, doi: 10.1080/13504851.2013.856995.

Implementing public-private partnerships during challenging economic times: case study of the 495 Express Lanes on the Virginia portion of the Washington Capital beltway Project (USA).” Daito, Nobuhiko, Zhenhua Chen, Jonathan L. Gifford, Tameka Porter, and John Gudgel. 2013. Case Studies on Transport Policy. 1 (1): 25-45, doi: 10.1016/j.cstp.2013.07.001.