The P3 Center

TRB 95th Annual Meeting


For general inquiries, the P3 Center can be contacted at: [email protected]

Dr. Gifford, Center Director, can be contacted at: [email protected]

Phone: 703-993-2275
Fax: 703-993-8215

On January 13, Center Director Jonathan Gifford participated in a panel entitled “National U.S. Department of Transportation Act at Age 50: Consequences and Lessons” at the TRB 95th Annual Meeting. The panel included Rolf Schmitt, Deputy Associate Administrator and Deputy Director at the  Bureau of Transportation Statistics, and was moderated by Alan Pisarski.

This year begins the 50th anniversary period of the U.S. Department of Transportation. The legislation creating the Department was passed in 1966 and took effect in 1967. The panel of historians and department veterans discussed where the Department has been more than the sum of its parts, and lessons we can draw from the DOT Act to help us move forward today. For example, why was the Department created? Has U.S. DOT served those original purposes? How has the DOT Act affected states and other transportation stakeholders?