Chris Guthkelch, Project Director at Skanska Infrastructure Development, gave a presentation on December 3 to the Introduction to Transportation Systems and P3 Policy classes at George Mason. The presentation, titled “Elizabeth River Tunnels: The Story So Far,” provided a thorough overview of the Hampton Roads, VA project, including early needs and feasibility assessments, pre-development stages, project team members, project scope and the various stages of actual development. His presentation concluded with “lessons learned” during the project, as well as implications for policy makers. Click here to see Mr. Guthkelch’s slide presentation.
Prior to his presentation, Mr. Guthkelch participated in the Center’s Professional Insights series, sharing pizza and observations about his career path with students. Dubbed “Pizza PI,” the series helps students connect with leading professionals and enjoy the rare opportunity to query them about their motivations, lessons learned and other career insights.