The P3 Center

Virginia Maps Out Optional Per-Mile Road Fee Program for 2022 Launch


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By Graham Moomaw, with Virginia Mercury, quoting Center Director, Dr. Jonathan Gifford

The opt-in system would charge drivers of electric and fuel-efficient vehicles based on the miles they travel, rather than a higher fixed fee. A state workgroup will deliver a report in December on the feasibility and impact of the proposed program. One challenge may be convincing drivers that there is a benefit to installing a mileage tracking system in their vehicles and easing any data-trail privacy concerns. Dr. Gifford provided context into current devices used both privately and commercially and how those existing alternatives may address some of those privacy concerns: “Some of the options out there do have a device that is plugged into your car’s data port and keeps track of when and where you drive but it doesn’t share that information. It’s sort of tracking device but it doesn’t share the data.”

You can read the full article here.